Is really quite a while since i even log in to this blog..but now i decided i should try to keep up so that I can write everything that happen to me and put that in my memory..
13/12/10 was the special day for me..as my little princess Olivia was born in Mercy Hospital (Melbourne). The experience of giving birth is really unbelievable..I start to have "bloody show" at about 9pm on the 12/12 so when to hospital straight away but after all the scan they sent me home and ask me to wait at home for the contraction..
Since 12am i start to have the contraction but it doesn't get worse until about 2 or 3am where my water broke which I didn't even know as i thought it was just bleeding...then i call the hospital again at 5am but they still ask me to wait.. till about 8am I call and told them that I couldn't take it anymore so I need to go hospital..
I was at the hospital around 9am and they check me up at about 10am they said I can stay cause actually my water broke already and i am about 7cm open..thank god..that i don't have to go home.. so we waited until about 1pm the midwife said if is still not open more till 1:30pm then she will have to examine it..but at about 1:15pm she said i can start pushing already..so in about 15minutes Olivia was born and she go straight on my chest with all the blood...all the pain that I had was forgotten as soon as I see her..
It was a suprise that she is a girl.. cause we didn't know the gender during our ultrasounds..and everyone thought it is going to be a boy..but Wei Loong think is a girl.. so he was right..
Olivia was born at 3.65kg and 51cm height..she look chubby and healthy...after 2 days both of us was sent home...
The hardest part to being a mum is don't know what she want as crying is the only communication...but things get better as there are many help with my friends which been giving me advice whenever i ask them..
on the 9th of Jan..we had a full-moon party with Olivia with some close friends and relative...
17th of Jan- Olivia is now weight 4.63kg and 57cm height..yes she is growing...but her skin has been really dry..is improving to be better..so hope her skin will be good later...
Now i am at home everyday to look after her..